a) One should not cross the yellow line dividing the road even while overtaking. b) One can cross the yellow line while overtaking another vehicle or when there is too much traffic c) Yellow line is just an indication of space for each side of vehicles right/wrongexpl
a) If there is a need to change lanes, I use appropriate indicator signal and hand signals. b) I put on my indicator while changing lanes and do not necessarily check for the traffic at the back. c) I don’t think there is a need to indicate while changing lanesright/wrongexpl
a) I use the horn to tell someone they are not driving properly or I never use the horn at all. b) I use the horn to let people know I am coming and they need to make way c) I use horn when I know the person ahead of me is not going fast enoughright/wrongexpl
a) continue into the intersection without reducing speed b) slowdown and be careful c) stop and allow persons to cross the roadright/wrongexpl
a) drive to another intersection that has no traffic light b) wait until the light turns green before making the “U” turn c) make the “U” turn if there is a policemen at the intersection.right/wrongexpl
a) slow down and proceed with caution b) stop, if possible to do so safely c) continue at the same speedright/wrongexpl
a) pass the vehicle from the left hand side b) pass the vehicle from the right hand side c) pass the vehicle from any convenient sideright/wrongexpl
a) report to the nearest police station and take the person to the hospital b) need not report to the police station c) need not report to the police station but should take the persons to the hospitalright/wrongexpl
a) extend right palm in a horizontal position outside or and to the right of vehicle with palm of the hand turned to the front b) extend right arm and rotate in anti-clockwise direction c) extend right arm with palm downward and move up and down several timesright/wrongexpl
a) yield to the pedestrian the “Right of Way” b) proceed with care as pedestrian is “Jay-Walking” c) reduce speed and warn pedestrianright/wrongexpl
a) give the proper turn signal b) change lanes only when it is safe to do so by giving the proper turn signal. c) never change lanes as it is against the law.right/wrongexpl
a) slow down and use caution b) come to a full stop c) not change speed if the way is clearright/wrongexpl
a) drive only in daylight hours b) have someone with a valid driver’s licence on the seat beside you when you drive c) practise driving only on streets that have very little trafficright/wrongexpl
a) 50 b) 65 c) 90 d) No Limitright/wrongexpl
a) Permanent Hand Grip on the side/ behind driver’s seat & Foot Rest for the pillion rider b) Protective covering for the rear wheel to prevent entanglement of pillion rider’s clothes c) Both ‘A’ & ‘B’ d) None of the aboveright/wrongexpl
a) On the wrong side of the road or opposite another parked vehicle or where parking is prohibited or near a road crossing or bend b) On a footpath or away from the edge of the footpath or blocking entrance to premises c) Both ‘A’ & ‘B’ d) Where a road sign clearly prohibits parkingright/wrongexpl