Road safety starts with you and me
Road Safety has always been a gradually developing concept in our country. The major reason for its dawdling success is our mind-set. We, as citizens, consider road safety a mere issue for which just the government and the respective civic bodies are responsible. Though the respective departments hold the responsibilities to give us better roads, road safety is incomplete without you and me. As citizens of the nation, we equally are responsible for road development and road safety. Our contribution to Road Safety could be:
• Follow traffic rules and encourage your close ones to follow them enthusiastically.
• Always using the roads with care, courtesy and consideration for other road users.
• Avoid all the habits like rash driving, drinking and driving, texting while driving, wrong side-driving etc.
• On seeing road signs twisted or fallen on the ground, try to fix them back. This will help others as well.
• Help drivers on road by flashing an approach of danger unseen to him/her.
• Make sure you follow parking rules, without causing any disturbance to the others.
• Get your car checked regularly. Inappropriate light and sound from your vehicle may be hindrance to other people on road.
• Never use flashy stickers your car and also make sure of avoiding distracting toys or hangings in your car.
• Educate your children strictly about traffic rules. Never allow them to drive before they attain the legal driver’s age.
It is the seemingly obvious and simple things that can make the difference between life and possibly death or serious injury.